How to make flutter app distribution for testing in Firebase

Frankie Fan
3 min readOct 16, 2020


keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias key 

Create the key properties for Android to read the keystore. Please be noted you’d better ignore this file in .gitignore to not push it onto GitHub.


Go to Flutter docs here to configure signing in gradle for Android.

  • Update the version section in the “pubspec.yaml” if needed.
  • Build the release apk package for Android.
flutter build apk --release
# App bundle (preferred)
flutter build appbundle --release

Build the release app package for iOS, then open xcode -> Product -> Archive -> Distribute App -> Ad Hoc -> Export to get actual .ipa file. (Remember to update the xcode-Runner-General-Version first)

flutter build ios --release

Go to App Distribution in Firebase and drag Android apk file/iOS ipa file into related apps.

Add testers’ email and notes and submit. Testers will receive the app install email.

Make sure you have an App ID registered with your app bundler id in your apple developer settings for this apple

Create an App in your Apple Connect.

Now you will have a lot of information to input for the iOS app.

For Android you should also create an App in Google Play Console.

We may probably need to configure the SH1 of the app in google cloud console if we use cloud services like google map services. Please be noted there is 1 SH1 for iOS app, and for Android app there is 1 debug SH1 and 1 release SH1 as well as 1 SH1 in Google Play Console.

#Check the release keystore (For iOS and Android release app)
keytool -list -v -keystore ~/geofencing-key.jks

#Check the debug keystore (For Android debug app)
keytool -exportcert -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -list -v



Frankie Fan
Frankie Fan

Written by Frankie Fan

Researcher | Architect | Full-Stack | @hustakin

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